Next date: Friday, February 21, 2025 | 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM
Take part in one of the biggest whanau sporting activities in Horowhenua this summer!
Let's Move Together Triathalon is a 3 day series running in Shannon, Levin and Foxton.
Each day will have a running, cycling and swimming leg for each age group with whānau strongly encouraged to jump in and participate along side tamariki!
Categories for ages 3-5, 6-7, 8-10, 11+ Caregivers encouraged to join in!
Shannon is $2 per child and Levin/Foxton is $5 per child. Payment is required on the day.
The event is open to everyone aged from 3 – 15 years old however caregivers are encouraged to join in! The triathlon consists of a run, followed by a cycle and then the swim. Each child must have a roadworthy bike/scooter and a correctly fitting helmet to participate.
You can register on the day at the sign up tent however for health and safety reasons, each event has a limited capacity. Once this capacity is reached, no further entries can be taken. Preference is that registrations are completed online.
3-5 years – 100m run, 400m cycle, 50m swim 6-7 years – 400m run, 800m cycle, 75m swim 8-10 years – 800m run, 1.2km cycle, 100m swim 11+ years – 1.2km run, 1.6km cycle, 200m swim
Please ensure all kids race in t-shirts/swimwear covering torso for safety reasons.
6 Year olds and under are encouraged to have their helmet and goggles (neck/wrist) on from the beginning of the race to make their transitions easier.
Transition will be open for bike pick up on and off during the races as the situation allows - please be patient and follow marshalls’ directions.
If the weather is not looking great on the morning of the event, make sure you check our Facebook page to check the event status. It is very unlikely that the event will be cancelled. Safety is our first priority so adjustments to the format will be made as necessary.
Grey Street, Shannon 4821
Corner Queen & Salisbury Streets, Levin, 5510
Foxton Pools, 61-63 Main Street, Foxton, 4814
Fields marked as 'Required' must be completed
Email Address*(Required)
Enter your email address or your friend's email addresses all separated by commas.
Select location*(Required)
Shannon - $2, Levin - $5, Foxton - $5