Matariki Swim Challenge

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 This is a challenge where you swim from Marae to Marae in Horowhenua.

One lap is equivalent to 0.5km. As you swim and record your laps, you will receive an email with a photo of the Marae you have reached and some information about it. This challenge is free. 

Register online at Challenge Hound: Matariki Swim Challenge 2024

Instructions to join

  1. Visit our Challenge Hound: Matariki Swim Challenge 2024 page  
  2. Click the green "Sign In to Join Challenge" button  
  3. Sign in to an existing Challenge Hound account, or sign up if you are new to Challenge Hound. You can sign up using your email address or Facebook  
  4. Now that you are signed in, click the green "Join Challenge" button and confirm you are joining.  
  5. That's it! You've joined the challenge. You'll receive an email confirmation with the challenge details. 

How to log activities

  1. You can log activities into Challenge Hound on the Activities page
  2. You can connect an App listed on the Apps page and activities will be automatically synced to Challenge Hound. Challenge Hound currently supports Garmin, Under Armour (Map My Run, Map My Walk, Map My Hike, Map My Ride, etc), Fitbit, Coros, and Strava.

If you connect an app, Challenge Hound will automatically sync applicable activities, so there is no need to manually enter. Whether you manually enter or use an App, you'll receive an email notification with your challenge status after each activity you log. You can visit Challenge Hound to view your personal challenge dashboard, as well as full challenge leader boards and charts.


  • Monday, June 03, 2024 | 12:00 AM - Monday, July 08, 2024 | 11:59 PM
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